Week Analysis 3
The Most Interesting Men in the World
I have been fascinated with TV commercials for long time now. This interest is one of the reasons why I choose to study marketing. Many of the commercials are annoying and in my opinion ineffective but from time to time, there is commercial that really catches my interest. Recently one of the campaigns that I paid attention to is a commercial for Dos Equis.
This campaign is not only very well done visually but also captivates the attention and fulfills the purpose. Commercials show grey bearded man sounded by beautiful woman unusual situations. The narrator introduces this man as the most interesting man in the world. At the end, you see him sitting at the table in what appears to be a bar surrounded by good-looking women. “I don’t always drink beer but when I do I prefer Dos Equis,” he says.
Unlike most of the beer commercials, this one is very sophisticated. The older gentleman appears to be more suitable for whiskey advertising than beer. Even he himself admits that he does not always drinks beer. What? He does not always drink beer? It is very unusually for the spokes person to admit that they do not always use the product they are advertising. Obviously, the most interesting man on the world is too “cool” to be drinking beer all the time. The most interesting man on the world do not need to be all over the product to propagate it. He just mentions that he prefers it. The most interesting man on the world is persuasive that after watching the commercial on television I had to find out who he is. Well he is a made up character. Witch made this commercial even more interesting. No real person can be the most interesting man on the world for everyone.
There is only one more question that needs to be asked. Did the commercial fulfill the purpose? It does not matter how well it the commercial made visually and how great of the idea it is. The commercial has to make you want to go and buy otherwise is useless. I am not a big beer drinker but last night I ordered Dos Equis in the bar for the first time. I did not like it too much and I would probably never even think about buying it if it was not for the most interesting men in the world. Because picture is worth a thousand words, I include a link for the commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2SSZA0CjdQ.